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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lesson Summary from August 2nd

Presidency Message

How important is the Temple?

What can we do to maintain a love for the temple throughout your life?

How can we prepare before we go to the temple? What attitude should we have so we can prepared to attend? How can the temple be a place of education?

“The temple ceremony will not be fully understood at first experience. It will be only partly understood. Return again and again and again. Return to learn. Things that have troubled you or things that have been puzzling or things that have been mysterious will become known to you....”

We should ponder the temple experience each day. Remember that the center of all temple worship is the Savior, Jesus Christ. Why is it important for us to have the temple centered in our lives? These are just a few questions to think about. Ponder them and ask yourself how important is the temple to you! President Greer has asked us to attend the temple often. I had a stake president in New Mexico who asked us to double our temple attendance. I can testify the blessings will outnumber anything you will imagine if you will make the temple important to you and your family.

Taught by Barbi Holden

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