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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lesson 29 Summary

Joseph Smith Lesson #29

Living with Others in Peace and Harmony

The beginning story about Joseph Smith tells a time when he went to visit his parents home in Far West and was met by angry men that had come to kill Joseph. By the end of their conversation the men were ready to act as Joseph's body guards and wanted to keep him safe! This story illustrates Joseph's ability to bring good out of evil. How have you turned evil into good in your life?? This chapter also addresses..." living in harmony in our communities by respecting the freedom of all people to believe according to their own conscience."(pg 344) How does agency allow us to live in harmony with people we don't agree with? Joseph Smith also tells us that he is willing to die defending the rights of anyone, no matter what their belief is, because the same trampling of rights would affect the Saints. How do we defend the rights of others today?
The ideas in this lesson are a strong companion to missionary work. We should all respect others for their earnest desires to worship God in their own way. Our interactions with others of different faiths should be based on mutual respect and peace. Only with this foundation is it possible to find true friendship and the Spirit of Christ.

This lesson was taught by Michaela Huso.

Here is a link to the lesson on LDS.org

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